Monday, May 18, 2009

Giving In

I did it. I bought Twilight. I figured I would hop on the bandwagon and see what all the fuss is about. A lot of my co-workers have been saying great things about the series. With Kody being gone during the week I actually have time to devote to reading something like this. I have been told that I will get hooked and will not bet able to put it down. Time will tell.

Kody came home for another great weekend. We spent time with his family celebrating his parent's 34th wedding anniversary. Congratulations! We were able to see Kasey and Ashley which is always fun. Ashley flew in for the weekend to see Kasey. It will be so exciting once she is a permanent member of the family. The girls have seriously been out numbered!

In the exciting news department, Kody got is CV (resume) completed this weekend! Yes, the CV is a very big deal for medical students. He will send it out with his application for residency programs beginning July 1st. Yes, July 1st he can start sending in his applications!! I kind of get dizzy every time I say that in my head, out loud or type it. I cannot believe how fast this whole experience has gone by. It is less than 365 days until his graduation, it is 361 to be exact. Wow, wow, wow. My husband is going to be a doctor in less than a year. He will technically be a fourth year medical student on July 1. He already kind of is in my eyes, but whatever.

Bailey is getting a haircut this week. I don't know when, but it is happening. I don't want black carpet anymore and I refuse the run the vacuum more than once a week. Good thing I don't have children yet...


Melody said...

I'm so with you on being tired of running the vaccum so much. The black hair is driving me crazy too....I guess it's Paisley's winter coat shedding off. Hopefully I'll be seeing you this weekend & I guess maybe staying at your house. Is that going to be okay?!

Rachel T. said...

Yay Twilight! It's addicting, but you're going to love it! ~Rachel Tenison

Darrica said...

You r going to love Twilight its the best. I can't believe our husbands only have one more year left it's kind of crazy.

SeekerofGrace said...

Wow, it does go by fast! I can't believe the first year is over with! Yikes! I was wondering when they "officially" are considered 2nd, 3rd, 4th years etc. Keep notes on everything! Jammi and I were saying we'd like to have you (and maybe a few other 3rd / 4th years) come do a 3rd / 4th year panel for SAA members next year...

Anonymous said...

Ginny, way to go with jumping on the Twilight bandwagon. I jumped on a month ago and am already done with the books. They were awesome, you'll love them. Then when you're done we can pursue our nerdyness and talk about how much we love Twilight with the rest of the non-jr high readers!