Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I know, I'm behind. Everyone has already read all four books. I'm jumping on the bandwagon. I told you all last week that I finally gave in. Oh my --- I am so glad that I'm following the crowd on this one. I am completely, 100%, without a doubt a Twilight fan. When I read about Edward Cullen wooing Bella Swan I get chills. I feel the anticipation just like Bella. I even find myself reacting the way Bella does when Edward appears or speaks. Yes, I am a huge nerd, but it true. I'm glad Kody won't be around during the week to watch my reactions as I read. I want to be her...

I have about one hundred plus pages to finish when I get home tonight. It will be off to Barnes & Noble to pick up New Moon tomorrow during lunch. I keep wondering how I would have pictured Edward if I didn't know what Robert Pattinson looked like. I imagine it would be somewhat similar, but I kind of wish I had my own interpretation....not that Robert is a bad one. I thoroughly enjoy what I see in my head as I read!

I'm ready to go on my vampire exploration to Forks. I hope Kody doesn't mind.


Emily said...

Another one bites the dust.

Shaking my head in disapproval.

Kristen Ballard said...

I was a band wagoner, too. My sister finally sicked me in, and I was hooked!! I'm so glad- it will get really bad after New Moon. Keep blogging about it- I want to know your reactions!!!!!!!!!

Alexandra said...

Oh you silly girl! I finally looked up what it was, I would never read anything like that but I'm glad you are enjoying your series! To each his own, I would get nightmares!

Amy K. said...

I am so glad you are joining our world! I am re-reading them right now and they are so great! I love you and miss you!